We are Hello 50:50 World


Our ambassadors are actively involved in initiatives of Hello 50:50 World in various locations. Get in touch if you’d like to join us as an ambassador.

  • Lisa Stähli (Co-Lead)

    We can only achieve equality if everyone is at the table and actively involved in designing and co-creating inclusive environments. Join us!

  • Fabienne Lorenz (Co-Lead)

    I'm tired of seeing the same kind of people holding all the power. As technology continues to play an essential role in everyone's life, we need diverse voices and perspectives to create a future where everyone can thrive.

  • Stefan Koring (Bern)

    I love to connect, co-create and build bridges.

  • Martina Niggli (Zurich)

    "Consider this hypothesis: when we don’t see ourselves reflected in the world around us, we make judgments about that absence. Invisibility is a statement." - Sonya Renee Taylor, award-winning poet & activist

  • Nina Wagner (Zurich)

    After a decade in tech, I grew tired of waiting for equality. Women still endure patronizing behavior, micro-aggressions, and undermining in business. Way too often I am the sole woman in the room, being called ‘the exception’. The exception should be the rule.

  • Hue Tran (Zurich)

    Hue Tran (Zurich)

    The world needs people to challenge the status quo.

  • Geraldine Hasler (Zurich)

  • Priska Burkard (Advisor)

    Tech thrives when every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every opportunity is open to all. This is why I am committed to inclusion and diversity —because a better world in tech starts with each of us making a personal commitment to change the game.


Supporters are advocating for equality and diversity in tech and are carrying the vision of Hello 50:50 World into their own environments. Anyone can become a supporter by joining the movement.

  • Maja Schreiner

    “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” by Martin Luther King, Jr

  • Carolin Fritsche

    It takes both sides

  • Elisabeth Dewey

    “When designing an environment that is meant to work for everyone we need women in the room.” Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women

  • Violette Mounier

  • Andreas Wymann

    Diversity and Inclusion are about giving value to every human being, no matter our differences.

  • Nina Hoffmann

    Throughout my career, I have too often experienced and witnessed the negative impact of non-diverse and non-inclusive environments. I am certain that together we can trigger change.

  • Silvia Pareti

    “The most damaging phrase in the language is it’s always been done that way.” - Grace Hopper.

  • Kristina Habjan

  • Talayeh


  • Daniela

  • Your name

    Your quote

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